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Bronze effect

Finished the bronze breastplate, helmet and groin protector and went on to do the cloak too as well as a couple of other bits. The bronze was accomplished using the glazing technique described on CoolMiniOrNot. Basically, I painted the base coat VMC Red Leather and then mixed up a very, very thin wash of the base with a touch of black and green in it. The wash was applied a few times to deepen the darker areas and then another bit of black added and the whole process repeated. The highlights were a bit of VMC Flat Flesh reddened slightly with Scarlet and then a bit of the base coat added. Again, the whole was thinned and applied to the high areas. The final highlight was VMC Pale Sand. The result isn't quite as luscious as the example in the link but I think it's not too bad. Next time I'll hopefully have some slightly more suitable colours and the photography might be a bit better...!

For the cloak I wanted a really deep, rich green and I found that VMC Luftwaffe Green was quite nice, so I went with that. I painted it straight on and then feathered in some of the same colour with some black added into the folds. The highlights were the base colour with some VMC German Camo Bright Green added and then again with some extra yellow added. I also painted this scheme on the trimmings of his mail coat and painted in his sleeves in a very light beige colour.

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