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SAY UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been wayyyyyy too long since I've done an Uncle post so, here we go!

First up...
...Lou Brock and Curt Flood!

What do Lou Brock, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth and Joe Adcock all have in common Home Run wise? The only 4 players to ever hit a ball over the center field wall in the old Polo Grounds. Craziness.

Anyways, the year's '67 and the card has seen better days with creases here and there and fuzzy corners, but that's how I like my vintage. It gives it character, let's ya know it's seen some things...

The 2 Robinsons in all their '68 goodness!!!

I've always wondered what was going on when this picture was taken to warrant Brooks' reaction. I can't imagine it was taken during a game as I'm sure Frank Robinson would have put the photographer through a wall. Makes ya wonder. Makes me wonder, do you wonder? These are the things that keep me up at night... I've been told I'm not well.

So there it is, two more cards from the grab bag that was my Uncles surviving collection.


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