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new year new project

The rebel Shamrock

With some friends we had been thinking of starting a skirmishes campaign with: terrible sharp sword (by too fat lardies). I'll take command of the irish rebels, the 10th Tenesse, the Sons of Erin. Reserching in the web i found this incredible page:
There i found everything i need for reenacting the guys of Tenesse. Biographies of the soldiers, battle reports, and even a complete list of the men of the a Company! so i can assure you that each soldier will have surelly his historycally correct name, the company will include the  "fighting fitzgerald" and father Emmeran (see: http://10thtennesseeco.a.tripod.com/id5.html) a great problem for the poor capitain John O'neill!

So here a picture of the guys: they are Perry civil war's infatry with some greenstuff transformations (note the pipes and oak leaves)

And here some music, and if you wanna learn how to play it, down the lyrics and guitar acords:


Oh, not (D)now for songs of a (A7)nation's (D)wrongs,
not the groans of starving (A7)la(D)bor;
Let the rifle ring and the (A7)bullet (D)sing
to the clash of the flashing (G)sa(A7)bre!

There are (D)Irish ranks on the (A7)tented (D)banks
of Columbia's guarded (A7)oce(D)an;
And an iron clank from (A7)flank to (D)flank
tells of armed men in (G)mo(A7)tion.

The (D)Irish green shall a(A7)gain be (D)seen
as our Irish fathers (A7)bore (D)it,
A burning wind from the (A7)South be(D)hind,
and the Yankee rout be(G)fore (A7)it!

O'(D)Neil's red hand shall (A7)purge the (D)land-
Rain a fire on men and (A7)catt(D)le,
Till the Lincoln snakes in their (A7)own cold (D)lakes
Plunge from the blaze of (G)batt(A7)le.

Whoe(D)'er shall march by tri(A7)umphal (D)arch
Whoe'er may swell the (A7)slaugh(D)ter,
Our drums shall roll from the (A7)Capi(D)tol
O'er Potomac's fateful (G)wa(A7)ter!

Rise, (D)bleeding ghosts, to the (A7)Lord of (D)Hosts
For judgement final and (A7)sol(D)emn;
Your fanatic horde to the (A7)edge if the (D)sword
Is doomed line, square, and (G)co(D)lumn!

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