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Între Acte {A}

Location: Halfaya Pass, Cyrenaica, Libya
Date: August 1942
Situation: Deutsches Afrika Korp's  21st Panzers Attacking Halfaya
Rules: Blitzkrieg Commander II {+50% movement/weapon ranges for 15mms}
Modifications: Added FOW dust cloud rules.
Suggestion: Click on images to make them larger
While General Pettygree and Muljadhi are in limbo in 1899, please view a few photos of our BKCII activities of 23 March 2010. We commence with a dreaded....
Battery of 88mm AA guns configured for anti-tank operations. They guard the right rear of the attacking panzers which have exited the area in your direction.

Viewed from the rear now, we better see the 88s guarding the right rear of the DAK attack. The tanks have disappeared over the distant ridge. Some kicked up dust clouds are still visible. One panzer is in flames.

Crossing and descending the same ridge the panzers have been surprised by dug in 2 Pdr. AT guns and a squadron of Crusaders in the Pass itself. One AT gun was knocked out after it took out a DAK armoured car in the upper right.

RAF Hurricanes try to stop the panzers but it is up to....

A squadron of Crusaders trying to get closer. The 2 Pdrs. near you are out of range.

That's it lads! Come on and good hunting!

A Crusader on the left has been lost to 88 fire but the rest used cover and dust to escape more losses. The red dot toward the upper right is a point of light from a laser pointer. We use actual slopes and line of sight just as if we are outside. No conventions. LOS is real for us and fun. Usually our eyes are enough but occasionally we use a laser pointer.

This is the British rear directly behind the Pass and the Crusaders - on a back table. A squadron of Marmon Herringtons have retreated to the village. Looks like they will block the RHA 25 Pdrs. in front of them if they don't move out of the way soon. In the village are three Grant tanks, one of  which is out of action from the panzers on the ridge off screen to the upper left.
1. Game resumes 30 March 2010.
2. Try a table covering with almost anything underneath to simulate near real topography.
3. You can do this too.
4. Comments welcome below.

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