This movie was big dumb. L. had watched this and couldn't figure out if the characters in this were so dumb because they were sleepy or bad writing. As someone who has gone through multiple bouts of pure insomnia my whole life I can say that this was pure bad writing from someone who watched Bird Box and maybe heard what insomnia was and said “I can do movies.” I should actually see who wrote this. Whoa. Dude wrote a lot of trash. Okay, so this is about this lady who has two kids that are estranged from her because she is a recovering addict. She is former military (which you'd never guess) and works at a lab of some sort. She also steals old pills and sells them to a drug dealer for money. She goes to pick up her kids. Teenage son who is 90's moody and little girl who is little girl.
They go driving off and the car is zapped by something and flips into some water. They are told that everything electrical is no longer working. This is not consistent in this movie. They head to the hospital and people who were in comas are awake and people they are trying to knock out with medicine are not falling asleep. The doctor the mother knows explains all this shit to her and she finds out that her daughter can sleep just fine. She tells this to another doctor because she is stupid and he wants to experiment on her. How? Don't matter. She heads home and her daughter is at church with grandma. People in church are wilding out. Of course there is some religious reason for this, right? It is revealed to the church that the little girl can sleep and they're immediately like “Sacrifice her!” The research doctor dude shows up and gets a bible thrown at his face and shot in the back of the head. They run out the church.
The mother finds a car at the drug dudes place. Old cars work. They need a map so they go to a library where the mother tries to force the daughter how to learn how to shoot a gun. Daughter don't wanna and runs to the car. Mother and son see prisoners all loose and of course one takes the car with the daughter in it. One prisoner wants to fuck her son with his long hair so mother shoots the ground. Now she outta bullets. Prisoner who took daughter feels bad so he returns and grabs the rest of the family. He along for the ride now. Its dumb. They decide to teach the daughter how to drive and its long and dumb and they are attacked by a bunch of crazy folks. Mind you, its been like two days since no one can sleep and we are already in Fury Road. They reach the research facility and mother heads inside. They got an old lady there who can also sleep being experimented on. She tells the old lady “We all gonna die so you need to raise my daughter.” The fuck?!
The military and surgeons at this place are all losing their shit. Doctors are shaky. Soldiers are shooting at shadows. The prisoner that left comes back. Daughter ends up taken and strapped down with the old lady who kicks the bucket. Mother is captured and going crazy until she gets shot at and escapes. The son suddenly starts losing his mind after being fine the whole film with no sleep and gets shocked to death. The mother and daughter shock him back to life and get shocked themselves in the process. Next morning son is alive again and can sleep. Turns out if you die its like a hard reset for you. So they drown their mother and she wakes up and the movie is done.
This was trash. The acting in it was so bad! Not even funny bad most of the time. I gave this a 1 instead of a 0 because I finished it and the cameras worked recording this foolishness. I don't know how anyone enjoyed watching this. There is no explanation for what happened and why. No explanation as to why being killed again makes you able to sleep. How the military had electrical things that worked (like the fucking defibrillator that plays a major part in discovering the “cure” aka death!). The fact that in six days the world as they showed it was this way is ridiculous. This movie was ass butt.
Gina Rodriguez as Jill
Ariana Greenblatt as Matilda
Frances Fisher as Doris
Shamier Anderson as Dodge
Finn Jones as Brian
Lucius Hoyos as Noah
Gil Bellows as Dr. Katz
Barry Pepper as Pastor
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